Sunday, January 20, 2013

"Sandal" Character Analysis(1) 211

First of all..we have to give Olivia credit for bringing Fitz out of a coma. The moment that "Patriotic pin" was laid on the bed indicates that the process of his coma was about to break. She puts the icing on the cake when she climbed into that bed and gave him that "Kangaroo Kare" e.g. She hugged him, she touched him. She might have even talked to him telepathically...who knows. But she gets a big credit for that. That is why she was the 1st person he called on when he awoke. Remember scientists say that when loved ones are in a coma..they can hear everything, they just can't communicate. It is like a barriar between walls.
EDISON: Now Edison is really not the guy for Olivia. She  knows it. There is really no chemistry between them. That is why she bolted. He is just the kind of guy who wants to have a possession and be obsessed with it. And when she is not looking, he might just slap her when she disagrees with him. He is also mean and callous.
FITZ & LIV RECAP: Remember when Fitz sat in the plane with Liv. He said: "I don't  know what kind of man I am  to marry her and not wait for you"...something like that. Well I said to cheap can he be to cast that line to an African American woman..or any woman for that matter. If he just wanted bang her...why not just fuck her off and get it over with already. That line stays with me for a long time until now...when I see BIG JERRY.

BIG JERRY: Well Big Jerry, is a self-centered, mean son of a bitch that just wants to bang any and everything that comes his way. Here he has a son that he has no respect for. I get the picture that he destroys his son's image by putting him down as a child. Nothing that Fitz does is good enough for him. That is why Fitz is so resentful of him because he carries this placard of resentfulness into his teenage years and rightfully so, because Big Jerry of course marrinates that behavior into his son's adult years.  Notice sometimes Fitz tries to get away from his dad's obsession of putting him down. But sometimes  he gives up and say things like "Yes sir, No sir..thank you sir"...cause this type of behavior is very difficult to get away from when someone like his father treats him like shit all the time. Even Olivia was surprised how quickly Fitz changes his mind..allowing his father to dig up dirt about his opponent. Take another look at Liv's expression.

 But at times Fitz will answer him back. Like when he told him that he does not need his help in Florida. Then Fitz starts to tell Jerry about his philandering behavior with the prostitutes. As you can see that it stings him so much he had to get up and excuse himself from the table, while Mellie and Verna cover up his  embarrassment. In the interim Fitz also took a shot a Verna when she said: "I was more of a "Poker-Girl" Maybe Jerry used to bang her too. that's why  Fitz said "Yeah.." showing his disapproval of her. But take another look at Fitz' posture. Big Jerry was coming toward Fitz. Fitz already was leaning back  like expected Jerry to swing a hit at him. But Fitz stood still waiting....nothing happened. He just said: "We will talk about this tomorrow".  We know that Fitz was verbally abused by Dad as evidence of the way he tried to steal his show, telling him what to think and how to think. That is why Fitz could not think for himself at times. Because his father kept ad-libing for him. Is he capable of thinking and doing for himself? Yes..but Dad wouldn't let him. I think Fitz was physically abused  also by his father along the years.  This is why he is so bitter towards his dad.  Dad even orchastrated to choose Fitz' wife...Millie. This is why Melllie is so lovie dovie and girlie, girlie gigglin like a Hyeinna towards Big Jerry...because they are alike. Jerry choses a daughter-in-law to keep Fitz on his toes while he(Big Jerry) is away....and it was working...sometimes. That is why Mellie was getting away with so much stuff. Remember when Millie called the "Genecide Card", Fitz said: "You are not the're suppose to plant flowers and talk about fashion.. You are Ornamental not Instrumental." Wow.. Then take a look at her face how she looked sad and dishevelled. He turned around and apologized. It is something she does all the time..then she puts on that face to make him feel bad about what he just said...then she starts all over again with another issue. TO BE CONTINUED....  Please leave comments..

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